Friday, May 20, 2011

If I Didn't Do It Today, I Would Never Have.

I know I haven't posted anything here in ages but I've been a very busy lady. Today I saw a DIY and I had the motivation to do it on top of many other things. I don't know if its because I believe the world is going to end tomorrow or that I just need to stop being a procrastinator or because the weather has been so rainy here in NYC that I was bored staying in that I did something. 

This is what I saw. 

And this is what I did. 

Made all of these pieces myself except one necklace, scroll for more info.

The middle medallion necklace is made by my Mom

Still working on the other have of the purple piece 2nd from right on the top level. 

What is even better than the fact they turned out great is that I got the frames for free ( I got them from work. they used to hold old pictures of construction sites) Plus it only took me about 30 minutes to make them.

All the jewelry that is on my frames are all made by me with the exception of the larger jeweled medallion in the middle of the necklaces, my mother made that one. 

If you want to make them yourself here are the directions. 

1. Foam core poster board, you will or will not cut this down depending on the size of frame you buy. 
2. Sectional Frame Kits ( mine are from Michaels) 
you are going to need two sets to make one full frame. Any size is up to you depending on how much jewelry to hang or your wall size. 
3. Push pins- you can buy them clear or silver or any color you desire. In the BGH picture they used fabric pins, but I used the push pins. 
4. Art hanging wire - you don't need a heavy gauge.
5. 2 Erasers cut from the top of wood pencils or taken from mechanical pencils.

1. Put together 3 sides of the frame.
2. Measure the inside of the frame for the foam boards
3. Cut the foam core board  to the size you measured. Place the board on a flat surface then mark the board with points first and using a straight edge make a line between the points. Using a cutting blade or a razor blade (be very careful not to cut yourself) cut through the first layer and the foam, you dont need to cut the whole way through. Lift up the board and bend the board backwards on the cut line and back cut the other side. 
4. Slide the finished board into the frame and put together the top of the frame. Don't forget to add the hanger into the channel of the part of the frame you are going to hang it from. 
5. Add pins as needed to the foam core board to hang your jewelry. 
6. To make the wire hanger for the earrings, take two pins and place them at the far ends of the frame along the top and half way down the frame. String the wire tightly between the two pins wrapping around the top pins and twisting the wire to itself to secure the wire. Repeat for second set of pins. Place the erasers on the back side of the frame to the points sticking out of the foam boards to secure the pins. 
7. Hang your frames on the wall. 
8. When hanging the jewelry start from the middle and work your way out so that the frame stay balanced when hung. 
9. Enjoy your work. 

You can wrap the foam board in fabric or Mod Podge it with paper. Your frames your choice. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

They Make Me Smile, Damnit I Like That.

For those who want to know who I am talking about when I say who took my pictures I am here to de-cloak them. , ooo a Harry Potter reference, Karen will love that. 

I am serious, they both work magic when they take my pictures. By magic, I mean they get me to smile. There is a huge difference when they are taking my pictures and I am taking the pictures of myself. 

I say its always great when you have someone to take your pictures, you have someone to interact with and they tell you when your shirt came unbuttoned or a hair is in the face. 

So without further ado my two photographers: 

David takes most of my pictures, simply because he lives about a block away from where I live. Mostly because he keeps me amused from behind the camera. David has his own blog What's All the Rave where he writes about sports, mostly baseball (NY Mets), hockey (NY Rangers), Football (NY Jets) and NASCAR. 

Karen and her dimples
I hope she doesn't kill me for this photo but it is perfect. Karen is a Vegan, a Yankee fan, avid reader, Harry Potter and Steven King fan, and a cat lover. When she is not fostering a homeless cat or looking for Vegan items she and I are hanging out whether for going to Yankee games, shopping, the opera or getting vegan treats at  BabyCakes.

These two are the best friends that a girl can have. I have been friends with them for over 10 years and I plan to keep them for the rest of my life. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Blog Turned 1 This Month!

At some point in March last year I started this blog, in fact my first post was March 11th 2010. 

c/o web

I feel that I have evolved so much since my first post. I have evolved so much that I actually started a new blog this past week and I actually met people in person who is in the same genre as me.

But I will not abandon this blog, no I wont. This will be my go to blog for my DIYs and my life posts.
And I will cherish it as such. 

So to those who love me and my quirks please continue to follow me, I have so much planned for here. But for those who follow me for my fashion you can personally email me at nms1179 at gmail dot com and I will direct you there. 
Not to change the subject but did you ever see such cool looking cakes?

c/o web

c/o web

Close-up Yankee Stadium Happy Birthday Cake
check out more of this Yankee Stadium cake here
So which one of my friends is going to get me the Yankee Stadium cake for my birthday?

Whatever ♥

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

30x30: Day 30 The Fat Lady Sings, So it Must be Over!

The last day of the 30x30 is here finally and I thought it would never come. It wasn’t the most hardest thing I have accomplished, mostly because it didn’t have strong rules. But a lot of things I have started I never really finished either, so I am pretty much proud of myself at finishing this.
 30X30 Day 30 028a
Would I ever do this again? I question this to myself all the time, depending on my mood it could be yes and could be no. I think it would lean more towards yes if a few factors weren't an issue. Weather has been the worst part of it this year, NYC got dumped with so much snow that it was hard to be warm dry and stylish 90% of the time. Another factor I wish that wasn’t is my job and it’s wardrobe limitations, I work in a construction yard/garage and its very dirty as well as being unsafe for bare legs and open toe shoes. Granted I could change out of my work boots but I don’t think that it was fair to the whole thing.
Would this work for the normal person, yes I think it would. Perhaps I’ll try it again in the summer when the weather is better. I definitely will be doing a sort of outfit limitation when I go on my trip next month, the thing is Ill have probably around 5 pieces and 7 days to do them in. I figure that one out closer to the actual dates.
This definity didn’t stop me from shopping for more clothes or shoes, I bought a lot of those during the 30 days.
Hello, my name is Nicole and I am a shopaholic.

There are a few things that were a positive with doing this remix.I got to be very creative with figuring out outfits, so much so that I was able to find more that 30 outfits with just 28 pieces. I also loved watching how others put together their outfits. I am also glad it got my out of the rut of wearing just tee shirts and jeans to work and always trying to figure out what to wear everyday.
I think it is now time to relax and wear some sweats for awhile, haha just kidding, I don’t actually own real sweats.
I’ll have to see when the next remix if I will do it or not.
Whatever ♥

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30x30: Days 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 Finish Line is in Sight.

I had a little bit of fun this weekend, I spent the whole weekend with my friend and her family at their house. Her daughter even took my outfit shot for Day 26 and my friend and I got to spend some adult time (after the kiddies went to bed) to drink.
My friend is in the process of finishing up the renovation of her house, but the main part of the house is done and I got to use one of the bedrooms.
Day 24 and 25 017
Isn't this bed just gorgeous.
She still has the main kitchen (this house has a second guest kitchen) to do on the first floor and a few other things like an elevator (yes an elevator, the house has 4 floors), the landscaping and some minor trim details. I can’t wait till it is all done, I will take more pictures to show here when it is all done. 
Day 25 012aDay 26 052a
Day 25 was a windy day and Day 26 was taken by my friend’s 7 year old daughter
30x30 Day 27 063a
This was my lounge around the house with company outfit, my Aunt and Uncle came over for dinner.  I had a huge burn on my forehead from a curling iron so I had a huge band-aid on it so I covered it with my new scarf.
30x30 Day 28 042a30x30 Day29 009a
I almost didn’t take Day 28 because I was so sick, I actually took 3 shots and went to bed and slept until this morning. My hair was in a bun from Monday morning until Tuesday morning so that’s why its is so curly. I am not to enthused with this burgundy sweater so I am putting it into my clothing to be donated a long with the black turtle neck and the black cords.
I cant believe that I am almost done and that I made it this far with 28 pieces of my wardrobe. I almost feel like my Day 30 outfit has to be outstanding but I tell you that it wont be. I haven’t been feeling well so well so I want to be as comfortable as possible.
Speaking of comfortable I’m going to bed.
Whatever ♥

Friday, March 4, 2011

Let Your Inner Beauty Shine Through; FBFF Questions - Beauty Products

Its Friday people and you know what that means; Fashion Beauty Friend Friday questions. Yay!
Last week I forgot all about the questions I was just so busy and I missed out on the nominations, oh well.


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